Top 10 Reasons to Be an Entrepreneur

Jorge Olson

August 16, 2022

A recent survey found that more than 70% of people want to be successful entrepreneurs. Becoming a successful entrepreneur is a sought-after job for many reasons, including pride, purpose, and possibly money. Starting and running your own business on a daily basis is no easy task, but it is truly worth the effort. I have been my own boss for over 20 years. It has allowed me to live my life as I want to, and I wouldn’t change it for the world. Having a coach on your team is always a good thing when embarking on the entrepreneurship route. 

There are plenty of benefits of being an entrepreneur, but it is certainly no easy task to start your own business. Successful entrepreneurs, that is, those who can accomplish their goals, earn a successful living through their business, and enjoy the many benefits of entrepreneurship, all have specific traits. If you are considering taking the leap and following your entrepreneurship dreams, then you will want to understand these traits to instill the same characteristics in yourself. This will help ensure that you can achieve your goals.   

Successful entrepreneurs have this in common: 

  • Passion, and a lot of it 
  • Are tenacious 
  • Can manage their fear of the unknown 
  • Have a grand vision 
  • Believe in themselves 
  • Are extremely flexible 
  • Can defy conventional wisdom 
  • Are willing to take risks in life 
  • Hire an experienced coach to help guide them 

If you have these traits, or if you can teach yourself how to develop these traits within yourself, then your likelihood of becoming a successful entrepreneur will increase. In addition to these personality traits, all successful entrepreneurs possess a certain amount of skills.   

Top 10 Reasons To Consider Being An Entrepreneur  

You should consider taking that giant step and creating your own business for many reasons. Here are just a few of them:   

1. Autonomy– running your own business allows you to be in charge of your own destiny. It also helps you to avoid getting stuck in the “daily grind” or the “rat race.” For many people running their own business lets them have a self-sustaining career. 

2. Opportunity– Being a successful entrepreneur opens up a whole new world of opportunity for you. You will have the chance to do anything that you want in life. This means you can choose to spend your life changing the world for the better or live the type of life you want. Few other career choices can offer this kind of opportunity. 

3. Impact– Many people who work for other companies truly want to work hard and help that company succeed, but few are able to have such an impact. When you run your own business, everything you do will directly impact the company, which can be very rewarding. 

4. Freedom– this is the answer most people will give if you ask them why they want to become a successful entrepreneur. For many people, the idea of doing what they want and how they want it is the most compelling reason to take the risk and run their own business. It is true- having freedom in life, and career does make a huge difference! 

5. Responsibility– when you run your own business, you can be responsible to society and operate your business how you feel it should be run. This is especially true if you desire to help others or the world. If you work for someone else, you may not be able to improve the world the way you want to, but if you are the boss, you can. 

6. Being your Own Boss– this is another standard answer for why many people want to become entrepreneurs. If you are your own coach or boss, you can do things your way. You can make your own decisions, take risks, and decide your fate. 

7. Time and Family– depending on your specific goals in life, becoming an entrepreneur could give you the freedom of time and allow you to spend more of it with your family. 

8. Creating a Legacy– if the idea of forging a lasting legacy is important to you, then few other careers allow you to do so, like operating your own business. 

9. Accomplishment– if you have specific goals you would like to accomplish in your life, running your own business could help you do so. 

10. Control– for many business owners, the sense of security that comes with the ability to control your own work is a significant reason to become an entrepreneur.  

8 Skills That Will Help You Become a Successful Entrepreneur:


  1. Focus – running your own business requires dealing with many factors on any given day. Successful business owners can pinpoint their focus on accomplishing specific tasks and goals at particular times. 
  1. Resilience – is a skill to weather the various ups and downs of business without allowing them to destroy your focus. Truly successful entrepreneurs can continue traveling down the path of success even when the future looks bleak. 
  1. Management Skills – a successful company requires the right people, and successful business owners must know how to manage these people properly. Hiring a coach is always a consideration. 
  1. Long-Term vision – while it is easy to focus on what the company needs to do in the next several days or weeks to be successful, genuinely exceptional entrepreneurs (the ones who see real success in their business ventures) can plan years ahead of time. 
  1. Salesmanship – regardless of what type of company you are running, you need to be able to sell your vision to others to become successful. Successful entrepreneurs need to have excellent salesmanship skills whether they want to or not. 
  1. Self-reliance – is one of the most important skills any entrepreneur can possess. Business owners need to trust that they can depend on themselves. 
  1. Self-reflection – the ability to pause, reflect and learn is a very valuable skill for the business owner. Entrepreneurs must be able to learn from their mistakes and reflect upon what they have learned in life. 
  1. Learning – the skill of earning knowledge is one that every successful business owner has. It is also a skill that they never stop developing. 

To be successful in your entrepreneurial dreams, you have to be able to learn from others. The best way to learn the skills of a successful business owner is to study the skills of successful entrepreneurs and then grow those skills in yourself.   

Having a coach in your corner is always a good idea when starting your journey to becoming a successful entrepreneur. Contact me if you need help. 

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